
Legal information

Trading name and corporate structure: BW ALBATROSS INVEST GmbH

Mörikestraße 20
70178 Stuttgart
Tel. +49 711 24 84 94 300
Fax +49 711 24 84 94 302


Persons authorized to represent: Managing Partner Dipl.-Ing. F.-Thilo Zimmermann, Juergen Schlensog

Register of Companies: Limited partnership, Headquarters and Register Court Stuttgart HRB 752470

Sales-tax identity number: ad interim - tax number 99021/24430

Data Protection

All data collected on this website is treated according to the guidelines of the Federal Data Protection Act (in German, "BDSG" for short) and the Information and Telecommunications Services Act (in German, "IuTDG" for short). It is not permitted to pass on personal data to third parties without the express permission of the person concerned. We consider personal data to be information with which your identity can be determined, i.e. your name, address or telephone number. This data-protection declaration does not cover links to other websites.


We wish to expressly point out that the information on this website does not constitute any warranty or guarantee. Any liability owing to incorrect, incomplete or obsolete information is excluded. Websites on our internet site can contain links to websites from other providers over which we have no influence. We are therefore unable to accept any responsibility for the correctness and quality of the information provided there.